Preschools | Nursery | Day Care Centers

 Hudson Valley  Preschools | Nursery | Day Care Centers

Preschools | Nursery | Day Care Centers | Putnam Putnam County
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Preschools | Nursery | Day Care Centers | Westchester Westchester County
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Preschools | Nursery | Day Care Centers
Child Care & Early Education
Hudson Valley

Review this list of preschools, nursery schools, and day care centers. Are you looking for infant or toddler care? Are you looking for a before and after school care program? Do you want a full or part-time day care program for your child?

If you need a Preschool, Nursery Program, or Pre-Kindergarten Program for your child, find a good preschool at Preschools and Nursery's in the Hudson Valley of New York.

Preschools, Nursery, and Daycare Centers
Your child's first year in preschool is critical to early development. Since each child is a unique individual with unique needs, your preschool or day care center should emphasize individual attention and care for your child. Lines of communication between you and the teachers at your preschool should be open. Parents, teachers, and caregivers should develop a trusting relationship so that all of you are comfortable with the daily care given to your child.

After School Programs for Children with Special Needs
There are many programs in the Hudson Valley that serve special needs children. These programs can provide accommodations that help provide children with equal access to education. These programs are designed to meet the child's individual learning needs and abilities. These needs may include attention issues that interfere with standard test taking. In these situations, a child may be given more time to achieve a certain task.

Other children may have learning problems that may affect their ability to learn certain skills. This may include hearing impairment, visual impairment, or learning disabilities.

Preschool Bilingual Education
Bilingual refers to an individual who can proficiently speak two or more languages. Find a school for your preschooler that offers teachers proficient in teaching a bilingual education program to non-English speaking children. Early childhood programs ensure that non-English speakers will more easily develop a proficiency in speaking English.

Since it is generally agreed that young children have a natural ability to learn language; consider a preschool bilingual education programs for your child. Studies show that children learning a second language in early childhood, have better problem solving abilities and an improved ability for abstract thinking.

Find Putnam County Preschools offering excellent preschool, nursery, and day-care for your children. Once you've narrowed your list to a few preschools/nurserys, it's a good idea to make preliminary visits to each school. Observe the programs in action. Are the children involved in their activities? Do the children and staff look happy and content with their surroundings? Take time and let yourself experience the school. Remember, this school will have an important influence in your child's development. Choose a preschool or daycare center that is right for your child. Before selecting a school for your preschool child, review the following list of Preschool/Nursery and Daycare Center guidelines:
    Preschool/Nursery programs should conform to state regulations and satisfy minimal standards of health and safety. Ask the school's director to confirm that their school's program is up-to-date with its state license, and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children .

  • What experience do the teachers have in early childhood education?
  • Does the director of the Preschool/Nursery have experience as a teacher?
  • What is the staff turnover?
  • Does the ratio of adults to children comply with state requirements?
  • If a child needs some quiet time; is private space available for some down time
  • Is food provided? If yes, is the food nutritious or are they serving processed food with harmful chemicals?
  • Is an organic menu an option?
  • Are fresh vegetables and fruit served each day?
Stop by during school hours and visit the schools that you are considering. A good school will welcome and even encourage your visit at any time.

When selecting a preschool/nursery for your child, ask if a daily or weekly report is available specifically for your child. A written report detailing your child's daily activities is most important when your child is not yet talking. Ask for a general status of your child at the end of each week.
  • Even if you send food ask: What does my child actually eat during the day?
  • How long does your child nap?
  • Did your child go outside in the fresh air today?
  • What experience do the teachers have in early childhood education?
  • What activities is my child involved in during playtime?
  • Does my child interact well with other children?
These questions, and additional questions that you may have, should be addressed and answers conveyed to you at period intervals. If you need additional information, lines of communication should always be open. For example: A parent may want to know what their child ate each day in order to plan their child's meals for the rest of the day.

Ask about Parent-Teacher conferences? Your child's Parent-Teacher conference will give you an opportunity to learn how your child is thriving in their Preschool or Daycare Center. Also, there may be specific areas of concern that you and your Preschool Teacher need to discuss.

Spend some time in the rooms in which your child will spend their time. Are the rooms sunny, uplifting, friendly, clean, and anything else that is important to you as a parent?

Does the school have a written statement describing their preschool or nursery's goals and philosophy about daycare?
  • Is social development addressed? Ask how.
  • Is emotional development addressed? Ask how.
  • Is intellectual development addressed? Ask how.
  • Is physical development addressed? Ask how.
Consider the outdoor play area.
Does the program address spontaneous play and teacher-guided activity?
  • What is the teacher/child ratio for outdoor play?
  • Is physical development addressed?
  • Is the outdoor area safe?
  • Are there variety and stimulation opportunities in the outdoor equipment?
  • Is there enough equipment to support your child's class size?

  • Important
    Be sure that the outdoor facility is a clean and green environment for your child free of dangerous pesticides.
The first few years of your child's life are an amazing time filled with discovery and enormous growth. Studies have shown that what your child learns early in life will influence their success later in school, in relationships, and in life.

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